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Report Volumes

It is the feature that calculates and reports the volumes in these intervals by using a certain reporting interval value (height) between the largest and smallest Z values of quarry lines. 

As the reporting interval, the step height value used in the quarry design is usually used. 

When the parameter is entered and the window is changed to OK, the directory and file name to save the report to be generated after the process is selected. 

When the report window is selected and the window is closed with OK, a warning window will be opened to refresh the surfaces. If the surface was renewed on the quarry earlier, the warning popped up is passed to No and the volume account is executed. 

Solid models produced at the indicated intervals in the quarry after the process will be produced under names 1) Quarry1, 2) Quarry1 and added to Data Catalog / Solid Models. Volume values can be displayed on the relevant solid models with the help of the right click features. 

After reporting the volumes, excel will automatically be opened in the specified name in the report directory specified earlier, and the volume values and the total volume will be displayed at the specified reporting intervals. 

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