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On the block model, there are options for Calculate Density, Edit Density, Delete Attribute, Vertical Attribute Averaging, Vertical Thickness options under Attribute tab. 

 Calculate Density

It is a parameter used to assign density to blocks according to the attribute values of the project. 

Density calculation window; 

Attributes to be calculated for density: If density is to be calculated according to the attribute value, it is selected from this column. 

Block estimation value: When density is selected, density is calculated according to the attribute value. 

The results can be viewed with the block list report. 

 Edit Density

The created attribute makes the adjustments according to the equation given for density values. 

 Delete Attribute

It is used to delete attribute values that were assigned to block model earlier. 


 Vertical Attribute Average

This feature is used to generate the attribute averages in the vertical direction according to the selected attribute value.  

The results are displayed dynamically on the screen afterwards and the block modeling is updated. 

 Vertical Thickness

It is a feature used to calculate the vertical thickness values belonging to the block model. 

The results are displayed dynamically on the screen afterwards and the block modeling is updated. 

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