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Edit Table Contents

It is the window where table content and column features can be set, extra columns can be added and existing columns can be removed.

Column types in drill log reports;

  • Straight Column
  • Depth Column
  • Height Column
  • Grid Column
  • Logarithmic Grid Column

User can add the elements suitable for these column types with "Add" button at the bottom-left corner of the window and take their logs. If it is an existing element; it can be deleted with "Remove" button at the bottom-left corner of the window.

Settings of the elements, that creates drill log columns, listed at the left side of the "Table Settings" window are collected under 4 different categories.


 It is displayed in depth columns. 

Display Text on Bigger Line

It allows for ruler to be write values at the side of bigger lines.

Ruler Line Features

Ruler features (Bigger Line Range, Bigger Line Width, Line Start, Smaller Line Range, Smaller Line Width).

Ruler ColorIt allow to change the color of ruler text and line.
Ruler Horizontal Position

Ruler's distance from right and left (Ruler is displayed at the very center when it is 0.5).

Ruler FontType of ruler font.
Display Ruler Text on Left

It allows to display ruler text on the left.

Display Ruler Text Degressively

It allows to display ruler text degressively.

Display Ruler Text VerticallyIt allows to display ruler text vertically.
Real Depth / Displayed Depth Ratio

Column's depth and displayed depth ratio (depth unit and column display unit can be different).

Show Text at Top and Bottom of Page

It allows to display depth information at the top and bottom of the page.

Text Add-On

It is used if there are any add-ons to be displayed at the end of ruler text ('ft', 'm' etc.).

 Display Types

 Display Type list to be displayed in the column.

  • Straight Display Type Features
Source/AttributeAttribute value of the project.
Source / Data Source

Database column, from which the attribute value is taken.

Features/Draw FrameIt allows to display the Display Type frame.
Features/Horizontal Margin

It allows to create margin towards column lines.


  • Text Display Type Features
  • Multiple Text Display Type Features
Source/AttributeAttribute value of the project.
Source / Data Source

Database column, from which the attribute value is taken.

Text / TextText to be written.
Text / Trapezoid Indentation

It determines the shape of the trapezoid created when the text length is bigger than depth.

Text / Text LayoutAlign left/Center/Align right.
Text / Text MarginMargin of the text.
Text / Font TypeFont type of the text to be written.
Features / Draw FrameIt allows to display the Display Type frame.
Features/Horizontal Margin

It allows to create margin towards column lines.


  • Color Display Type Features
Source/AttributeAttribute value of the project.
Source / Data Source

Database column, from which the attribute value is taken.

Features / Draw FrameIt allows to display the Display Type frame.
Features/Horizontal Margin

It allows to create margin towards column lines.

  • Image Display Type Features
Source/AttributeAttribute value of the project.
Source / Data Source

Database column, from which the attribute value is taken.

Features / Draw FrameIt allows to display the Display Type frame.
Features/Horizontal Margin

It allows to create margin towards column lines.

Image / Image AngleIt is used to view the image with angle.
Image / Let Image Move

It allows for the image to move when moving the report image on the screen.

Image / Image ScaleIt allows to scale the image.
Image / Allow Image to be Scaled

It allows for image to expand and narrow down when zooming in and out to display.

  • Point Display Type Features
Source/AttributeAttribute value of the project.
Source / Data Source

Database column, from which the attribute value is taken.

Point / Point DiameterDiameter value of the point.
Point / Point Image

It is used to display and image instead of a point.

Features / Draw FrameIt allows to display the Display Type frame.
Features/Horizontal Margin

It allows to create margin towards column lines.

Image / Image AngleIt is used to view the image with angle.
Image / Let Image Move

It allows for the image to move when moving the report image on the screen.

Image / Image ScaleIt allows to scale the image.
Image / Allow Image to be Scaled

It allows for image to expand and narrow down when zooming in and out to display.

Data Text / Opaque Data Text Filling

It allows for the background color of data text to be transparent / opaque.

Data Text / Data Font TypeFont type of data text.
Data Text / Show Data TextIt allows for data text to be displayed.
Data Text / Data Text Scale Independent

It allows for the data text size to stay fixed when zooming in and out to image.

  • Line Graph Display Type Features
  • Bar Graph Display Type Features
  • Dynamic Bar Graph Display Type Features
Graph / Line ShapeShape of the line.
Graph / Line ThicknessThickness of the line.
Graph / Line Curve

In order give curve to the line, a value between 0-1 should be entered according to the curve amount.

Graph / FilledIt paints the left side of the graph.
Source / AttributeAttribute value of the project.
Source / Data Source

Database column, from which the attribute value is taken.

Features / Draw FrameIt allows to display the Display Type frame.
Features/Horizontal Margin

It allows to create margin towards column lines.

Image / Image AngleIt is used to view the image with angle.
Image / Let Image Move

It allows for the image to move when moving the report image on the screen.

Image / Image ScaleIt allows to scale the image.
Image / Allow Image to be Scaled

It allows for image to expand and narrow down when zooming in and out to display.

 Column Title

 It is the part where settings of the text to be written on the column is done. 

Display Title Vertically

It allows the text to be written on column to be displayed vertically.

Title MarginMargin of the text to be written on column.
Title Text LayoutLayout of the text to be written on column.
Title Font TypeFont type of the text to be written on column.
Title TextText to be written on column.

 Features of the column is edited with the below parameters: 

Maximum ValueValue that the right point of column reflects.
Minimum ValueValue that the left point of column reflects.
Column WidthWidth value of the column.
Show Column Border Line

It allows for border lines of the column to be shown when drawing a table.

Display on All Table

It allows for it to be shown on all table disregarding the elements taken into the table.

Display Horizontal Ruler

It allows for the ruler, on which the horizontal values are shown, to be displayed.

Horizontal Ruler Features

Features of the ruler, on which the horizontal values are shown (Bigger Line Range, Bigger Line Width, Line Start, Thin Line, Thick Line, Smaller Line Range, Smaller Line Width).

Display Horizontal Ruler Text Filling

It gives color or transparency to the background of values that are written on Horizontal Ruler.

Horizontal Ruler Font TypeFont type of ruler on which the horizontal values are shown.

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