Inverse Distance
Calculated by taking weighted average of the value of the point to be estimated and composite data to be used in estimating this point. Weights are calculated inversely proportional to the distance between the point to be estimated and composite data. This proportion degree is determined with alpha parameter. Alpha can take values between 1 and k. The more the value of this parameter, the closer it gets to nearest adjacent method.
"Attribute" should be chosen from the window (variable to be estimated), which is opened by entering Reverse Distance estimation operation.
When estimating the average values of blocks, angles and radius values in x, y and z directions should be entered.
After accessing the Reverse Distance estimation operation, parameters relating to estimation geometry must be entered. These are alpha, distance, maximum number of samples. Alpha value can practically be taken as 1 or 2.
Maximum Number of Neighbors is the maximum number of samples to be used in an estimation of a point or block.
Distance means the radius of the sphere from which the samples shall be chosen. If the variable to be estimated is anisotropic, samples should be chosen from inside of an ellipsoid instead of a sphere with a "distance" radius. The geometry of the ellipsoid (axis lengths (radius) and angles) can be determined with variogram analysis.
After completing the parameter entries, dispersion diagram belonging to real values and estimated values will be created according to selected attribute.