Histograms show the data distribution in a way that a density function shows possibilities. Data is divided in specified class range and data amount or ratio in every range is calculated and shown as rectangles in a graph. It is required to choose the attribute value first from the "Histogram" window with right-click estimation on block. Then, histrogram is displayed with the default values. If the user desires, data and displaying parameters can be changed from "Data" and "Display Features" tabs. It shows the frequency, i.e. ratio of the data amount in a specific range to total data amount. Frequency can never be more than 1. These ranges can be left blank because some ranges do not take any data. It is used to measure the deviation of the distribution values from the mean. Third One Fourth (Q3) = When the data is put in order from the smallest to the biggest, last one fourth part of the sequence is below the third or top quarter value. Its data covers the %75 of minimum value. When the data is put in order from the smallest to the biggest, it is the value in between the data sequence. It is calculated; if the data number is an odd number, with the median value of the data sequence, if the data number is an even number, with the average of two values right in between. When the data is put in order from the smallest to the biggest, first one fourth part of the sequence is below the first or bottom quarter value. Its data covers the %25 of the maximum value. Histogram
Option Description Class Range Division where the attribute value to be used in surface creation is chosen. X Axis It shows attribute values. Y Axis Axis Limit Values (Minimum Value & Maximum Value) Min. and max. values to be shown on the X axis. Total Data Amount It shows the data amount used. Mean It is the ratio of total value to total data amount. Variance Maximum Value Max. axis limit value entered. Top One Fourth = Third One Fourth (Q3) Median Bottom One Fourth = First One Fourth (Q1) Lowest Value Min. axis limit value entered.