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Using Information Cards (Forms)


NETIGMA application allows to update query result records and add new records to meta using the application interface itself. Forms (information cards) work for that purpose. Using them in your app enrich and make more detailed the query results which means you

  • They display detailed information for the selected/all records.
  • They are quick ways to update the records.
  • They are variable in terms of design and content: authorized users can add or remove fields from the form, and change the appearance of those fields as well.
  • Additional reports or attachments can be added to the forms. With this option you can add some supportive informative files: image, video, pdf file.


Only Allowed Users Can Edit

Depending on the permission, user/group can add new record, update records or perform batch update.

Adding New Records


You can use these quick New Record buttons, to update the records which, in this case, bring information card to be filled.

  1. Click on "New Record" button that is top of the query page.
  2. Then info card, that you've selected while defining New Record Link, will open.
  3. Enter infos for the fields of the information card
  4. If the form page contains additional files tab; the attached files can be updated or new additional files can be added too. After all these don't forget to click on Update/Save button; then the new record that you've introduced will be added to the relevant database table.

Updating Records

  1. In the query result list, click the info card tab next to the record to be updated or the information card button under the grid by selecting the record to be updated.
  2. You'll see that selected record is opened in the general form page.
  3. Update the fields you want from the information card that is opened. If it includes additional files, you can also add new files from the "Additional Files" window.

Batch Update

Selected records can be updated at once. For this click on which query result should be updated, or select all:

Then you'll get the info card with its fields,

select which field should be updated, then type the new value and click on Save button:

New updated value will be valid for the selected info cards. (In the example above, both of info cards' social support value are updated to 0.9)

Update Everything?

Only enabled data fields are updated. To this click on x button left of the field name. Then select open or macro option depending on how you are going to update the record, the other closed fields are not going to be affected from the update operation.

Closed:  Control is passive, means not editable, and the corresponding field data will not be updated.

Open: Control is active. If it is left blank then the updated record's value will be empty.

Macro: Allows you to update the data by calculating it with a macro instead of a value.If a value of "[Social Support] x2" is entered for the Social Support field, then field value of each record will be updated with its multiplyed by two.

State Workflow for Batch Updates

 With the batch update process, the workflow status of the records can also be updated. If there is a state / workflow associated with the object, all states for the workflow can be affected by batch update so this should be considered while doing batch updates.

Related Queries

Here you can find the related queries with the information card.


Information cards can include detail reports with Reports tab.( If the user/group is permitted, then reports can be get)

Attached Files

We said that Info cards are useful to give detailed info about query results and with attcahed files info cards become more detailed. You can add images pdf, files, videos etc. to the info cards within attached files. Depending on the permissions; user can download, edit or delete the attcahed file.


When you click on this you'll see the following page (no attached file previously) will be open:

Diagram not found. This diagram is linked to a page or attachment that has been deleted.

  • Query: Searches the files. It is kind of filtering, you can search docs depending on its type, cretaed date, its description etc.
  • Add New File: You can quickly add new files to the selected info cards with this option.


  • Type: For each file type, the file information fields can be changed according to the selected type
  • File: Load the file to here/drag the file to here
  • Info: This section includes date, name and descriptions


  • Start Slide Show: Slide show for image type of docs
  • Related Queries: It brings related queries with attached file
  • Select Sort Criteria: Sorts the attached files depending on name, date and file type


Note that later, if the users/you are authorizaed, attached files can be edited, deleted or downloaded. See.