Feature | Description |
Constrain the Model to the Surface | After the RBF points are produced, it uses the lower and upper surfaces of the lithology to be modeled as a boundary and ensures that a solid model is produced only from the RBF points within this boundary. |
Display the Distance Function Points | It provides the display of the distance function points produced on the lithology to be modeled on the graphic screen. |
Display the resulting model with points | It allows displaying the points where the mesh model will be produced after RBF operation. |
Extend Function Values to the Grid Limit | In cases where the lithologies to be modeled are located at the bottom of the borehole, it provides the generation of positive points from the end of the borehole to the grid. |
Model Smoothing | Provides smoothing for the mesh model to be produced. |
Display the Local Trend | In case of using local trend, it allows the local trend points produced to be added to the 3D screen. |
Simplify the Distance Function Points | It provides the simplification of the distance function points to be produced on the boreholes at the specified rate. |
Extend the starting and ending points of the boreholes | If the distance of the lithology to be modeled from the start or end points of the borehole is below a certain percentage of the entire length of the borehole, it provides a positive extension of the borehole. |