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'NETCAD GIS', is a CAD and GIS technology that supports international standards and have been designed for engineering and geographical information system users. NETCAD GIS provides power and flexibility that its users need. Provides very strong CAD, GIS and Raster integration with its unique architecture. All Netcad desktop solutions operate on NETCAD GIS basic module.


Improved 'Drawing' Abilities

Through improved drawing abilities incidental to Netcad 7.6, data production has become much more professional and smart.

Netcad 7.6 facilitates project generation with its various improved drawing tools such as "angle, deviation, slope, automatic capture, object tracking, etc.", and shows user his/her metric data instantaneously and dynamically during each drawing phase.



Smart and Improved 'Data Editing' Abilities

Netcad 7.6, offers smart and improved data editing abilities along with object-based applicable editing yet before you begin action. All of the improved editing actions can be achieved automatically through object to be edited.

Netcad 7.6 enables entire structure affiliated to the object to be edited via one action, through smart structure it provides in object editing actions. Hereby, you can save your time spent for data editing during project processes and prevent possible mistakes.


Controlled Project Management through Smart 'Notes'

Information exchange between manufacturing engineers and controllers during project making process is ensured professionally through coordinate-based notes attaching ability incidental to Netcad 7.6.

Project changes can be performed and notes can be labelled for completed requirements through information exchanged through smart notes that have been attached on desired coordinates of the project. Through note lists attached to the project, graphic project is in dynamic graphic verbal relationship. Project notes can be obtained as separate printout.




Improved & Accelerated Printout Abilities and Cartography in High-Performance

With Netcad 7.6, printout preparation processes of various scaled projects have been facilitated and and printout performance have been improved significantly. Desired number of projects having different scales may get ready in a single printout design through Layout structure incidental to Netcad 7.6.

Execution performance of Cartographic Drawing ability incidental to Netcad 7 on active project has been significantly improved.

Any Time Interactive '3D-Three Dimension Interface' with Integrated & Dynamic & Project

Netcad 7.6; made 3D project plane instantaneous interactive and dynamic through two-dimensional planimetric project plane. Thus, you don't have to perform a separate work for 3D projects because while you are working in two-dimensional plane, projects can be transferred into 3D environment at any time without requiring an extra action.

Both operations performed in 3D environment and 2D environment in Netcad 7.6, are simultaneously take place in 2D environment and 3D environment respectively.




Project Management Through Raster Height Data

All raster data having height information can be used as numerical height input in Netcad 7.6. Therefore, triangle model dependency in project processes have disappeared. Cross-section generation, bringing elevation information in objects, imposing contour line, transfer into 3D dimension, volume-cubage calculations and all kinds of height-based analysis can be performed through raster height information.


Integration of Document-Based Table Data into CAD Projects without GIS Requirement

Netcad 7.6 made document-based table data that are frequently collected during fieldworks possible to be integrated into CAD projects. For instance; feature information collected from the field such as number of floors, structure type, roof type, construction year, etc regarding each building in a city project, can be imported through an Excel file with a single operation.



Multiple Data Management in Desktop Environment through 'Catalogue' Ability

Netcad Catalogue incidental to Netcad 7.6 enables all projects and project related files in any index to be managed and used in OGC CAT standards on a gridal structure.

Files listed in Netcad Catalogue can be opened in Netcad environment, can be added as reference to an active project, selected records can be archived by coping them under a new index.

Netcad Catalogue also enables project files to be managed chronologically. Project files that were worked on, displayed and updated in a specific time period, can be managed by filtering.

Netcad Catalogue also automatically lists repeated records (by looking features such as same date, same name, same size, etc.).

Netcad Catalogue shows data in others' computers along with the project limits; thus, enabling interoperability on desktop environment.





 Netcad 7

"Auto Snap" Talent

Through "Automatic Snap" feature of Netcad 7 GIS, developing project and data is much easier and faster. Even the most complicated projects could be developed easily by the "Automatic Snap" feature, which saves time for users..


Improvements in CAD abilities

"Extend", "Cut" and "Break" processes for data organisation could work within multi-structure here after.

"Round" and "Arc" processes are also modified completely. By this way, data could be produced by realizing all the alternatives in dynamic and smart structure.

"Strip Tools" are now in much more dynamic structure through Netcad 7.


Interface Improvements

Through Netcad 7, various interface improvements are realized.

In case of working with multi projects at the same time, users can display the preview screens of all the other projects from the current project.

The usage of strip menus are much more simplified by new revisions.  

Architecture functions could be managed over strip menus dynamically.


Layers, Line Types and Filterable Symbols

Netcad 7 ensures the users to reach all the CAD layers by typing a few letter to the search section. So the management of that complicated layers will be more easier. Simple SQL selection features can also be used for filteration.

Filtration talent can be used for line types and symbols.


Cartographical Drawing

Thanks to cartographical drawing talent of Netcad 7, project outputs can be printed in high quality.

Cartographical drawing talent can be used during project design in Netcad 7.


Ready to use Architect Models for Frequently Used Activities

Data regulation and control processes could be done by one activity through Netcad 7, so the users can save time. Ready to use architect models enable the processes of transition of CAD data and topological regulation to the GIS structure, data revision, control of faulty geometries and determining the geometry totals. User identification can be realized without limitation thanks to the flexible and modelable structure of architect.


New Selection Tools & Talent of Dynamic Spatial Selection for the Embeded Use of GIS-CAD

Through Netcad 7, management of multi layer CAD and GIS projects and the data query in that projects are simplified. 

The users could determine geometries and the spatial data as a selection criteria by choosing the CAD and GIS layers.

"Spatial Selection" talent can enable advanced queries. By this way, iterative spatial queries with graphical and vocal data relations could be realized.

The criteria used for selection can also be used as a filter criteria for the layers.


Transformation of  All the Raster Elevation Data like DEM, DTED, SRTM, GDEM...etc. to the "Digital Land Model"

Through Netcad 7, all the elevation data in raster structure could be transferred to the vectoral coordinated elevation points instantly. By this way, the users could

  • develop digital land models from data,
  • create profile cross sections,
  • analyze topographical, hydrotopographical, hydrological, environmental and 3D analysis,
  • use that data as base map in all engineering and GIS projects.



"Undo/Redo" for Spatial Data

"Undo/Redo" talent is inserted to all processes depending on the database in GIS projects by Netcad 7.

Data Comparison Tool

Through "data comparison tool" of Netcad 7, the users could compare the data of CAD/GIS projects and transfer the features between them.


Ready Database and Digitization Items Compatible with Turkey National Gegoraphical Information System (TNGIS) Themes

Netcad 7 has data base designs and built-in ready to use digitization items compatible with the standarts of TNGIS themes. So the projects can easily be developed as based on TNGIS standarts.



Vocal Guide Exclusive with Netcad 7

Netcad 7 directs its users through the vocal instructions during the steps of processes.

Netsurf 7 & Planet 7

Netsurf 7 and Planet 7 will also be released with Netcad 7.

Alternative ways could be used in volume calculations using Netsurf 7 as well as its improvements in creating digital land model and regulation processes.

Plans with all scales could be created as fully compatible with 2014 Regulation of Spatial Planning through Planet 7 and all the projects in old symbology could be coverted automatically to the appropriate plans just by one operation. Advanced plan outputs could also be printed thanks to the cartographical talent of Netcad 7 embedded with Planet 7.

Simple, Rapid and Smart Data Production Structure & Quick Access to the Intended Instructions

By means of simple dynamic line menus, the users can reach all their needs during the project design in Netcad GIS. Netcad 7 ensures the users to reach all the projects by typing a few letter to the smart search section.

By the smart structure of line menus, automatic snap modes will step in dynamically according to the process that would be done in next step. That feaure will simplify the project data production process.

The users can accelerate the data production by using the active shortcuts.

Netcad 7 has editable quick access menu. Furthermore, built-in digitization menus could also be used to simplify the project production.

Advanced query functions that manage graphic and vocal relations instantly can be used in project production and administration processes.

Using the New Integrated and Easy Layer Management Structure; CAD, GIS Raster and Reference Layers are all together !

All GIS projects located in Netcad; CAD, GIS, raster and other reference layers, are considered and managed under the 'Layers' in relation to each other at all times.

'Layers' are selected and dynamically regulated with the drag and drop method.

Selected layers can be saved as a separate project, and can be sent as an attachment with e-mails.

Layers selected in the entire project can be  transferred to Google Earth with a single command.

Online Maps can be used as reference with one-click reference in projects !..

Online maps, WMS and WFS connection can be used as instant reference. For example, satellite maps can be used as references.
Cadastre WMS and WFS services offered by MEGSIS can use the links on the same project..

Instant Access to Data used in Projects, Sheet Locations, Symbols and Blocks with the Advanced Search Engine

Using the new advanced multi tasked search engine users can reach all details in projects, netcad commands, sheet locations instantly. Users can also perform search processes using online data resources.

Symbols and blocks can be accessed with a single word written in the search field of projects in graphic and verbal data.

Command search features with all the old and new Netcad commands in the ribbon menu are instantly visible in their new location, desired commands are available within the search window.

Users can directly reach coordinates of locations using the Geocoding searches done Google, Yahoo etc.

No more Repetitive Tasks in the Template Project Processes!

Users do not have to waste time on defining the projection information, geographical referencing of raster data used, editing, applying the same processes for neighbors rasters, creating layouts, creating grids, etc. As with any project, there is no need for field operations repetitively done thanks to the structure of the templates in Netcad GIS. Netcad built-in templates within the GIS, or prepared templates may be used.




Reach Outputs of Projects by Using Built-In Output Templates Suitable for Institutions with One-Click!

Users can generate outputs of projects by using prepared standard output templates for institutions including size, design, legend, north arrow, title, corporate logo, the plan notes, text information, projection, scale information and so on. output containing all details can be created with a single click. Users may also create their own templates and use them in their projects.  

Rich Format Support and Database Independence!

Thanks to the flexibility and  rich format support offered by Netcad, GIS databases can work independently with raster and vector data in any format working all together; all database management systems may be used.

Work Flow Models in Netcad Architect!

Netcad GIS contains an 'Architect' called a 'model builder'.

Workflow models can be created with the available functions offered by the architect, presented ready analysis models are also available with a single click

Defining the overlay you want to use in your projects using the Architect, buffer zones definition, multi-layered evaluation, geostatistics, proper site selection for functions, automatic finding of middle line, incorrect geometry selection. All models can be easily created from simple to complex and the results can be reached by this model.

Application Development Editor

Netcad offers flexible and built-in code library for GIS software developers with all desired applications which can be performed using different software languages in Netcad.


Users can reach free or paid applications instantly using the virtual Netcad store the ‘NetStore’ for interactive Netcad GIS applications according to user needs.

Netstore allows users to own  small parts of modules which are needed.

Using Netcad GIS is much more easy with the 'Online Help Indexes', 'Application Documents' and 'How it's made Videos'

Users have access to content at all times from anywhere to online help, how-to videos and documents through Netcad GIS applications.

Users can ask for technical support using the technical support platform 7/24 by submitting questions to the platform. Users facing a problem during the project may also reach the technical support team instantly. The platform is always usefull for asking questions in mind about any topic of Netcad and also viewing previously asked related questions in similar topics.

Technical Videos

Sample working videos titled as Report Design, Query Result Customization, Documentation, Process Management, Document Archive, Language Support, Netigma Information Source, Page Insert,  Netigma Component Creation, NCDN Definition, Query Templates an Main Page Design could be watched.

Netcad Knowledge Sharing Platform

The knowledge sharing platform where Netcad technical experts give 7/24 technical support service, over 50,000  members  ask questions at any moment.  

If you are not a membernow is a great time to be a member.

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