- Created by HURKAN GOKKAYA, last modified by REYHAN BALCI on Oct 23, 2017
NETPRO Release Notes
Compatible with Netcad7 GP10 and Netcad 7.6 GP5 version
- The performance of the vertical editor is improved by the amount of memory used in full automatic excavation-filling process.
- Improvements have been made both in synchronize and refresh all operations.
- Improvements were made in the calculation of curve size in the vertical definition editor.
- Limit values have been increased and improvements have been made in the transaction processes.
- Improvements have been made in the section editor process.
- Improvements were made in the visual cross-section editor.
- Improvements have been made in start and refresh all processes of synchronized process.
- Improvements have been made to the Bruckner process.
- Improvements have been made in the type section editor process.
- Improvements were made in the horizontal and vertical route editor.
- Improvements have been made in the extract road model process.
Compatible with Netcad7 GP9 and Netcad 7.6 GP3 version
- Improvements were made to wall metrics calculations.
- Improvement has been made in the Get Cross Section from Model process.
- Various improvements have been made in the process Dynamical Mapping of Plan Profile.
- Bruckner Balance | The Moment Calculations where M> 10 000 meters in the Excavation and Paid Transportation Chart have been improved.
- Improvements have been made to the curves in the Get Cross Section from Model process.
- Various improvements have been made in the Type Section Editor.
- Standard Drainage and Ditch Coverage operation is provided automatically.
Compatible with Netcad 7 GP6 and Netcad 7.6 version
- The desired intervals in the visual cross-section tracker can be edited by being transferred to a single NCZ file and saved to the KSE file with a single operation.
- Button names have been updated by adding the km based grouping ability to the section editor.
- Improvements have been made to the Synchronized View.
- Improvements have been made to the editor windows.
Compatible with NETCAD version
- Improvements have been made in the Area Calculation Wizard.
- Improvements have been made in the volume calculation process based on Define Automatic Vertical Route / 3D Cross-section.
- Improvements have been made in loose point definitions of the Type Cross Section Editor.
- Improvements have been made in the Get Cross-Section from Model process.
- Improvements were made in Read Cross Section from Drawing.
Compatible with NETCAD version
- User-definable "wall thickness" and "foundation depth" values can be entered of the shoring wall; 'wall heights' can be found automatically, height values can be taken from the vertical deviation editor, and pallet slope definitions can be made on the shoring wall.
Compatible with Netcad and Netcad version
- Various improvements and error corrections have been made.
Compatible with Netcad (GP15) version
- Various improvements and error corrections have been made.
Compatible with Netcad (GP14) version
- Dam, Body and Channel sections according to DSİ standards are included in the sent standard library installation.
- Various improvements and error corrections have been made.
Compatible with Netcad (GP9) version
Compatible with Netcad (GP2) version
- The one-point free-point definition preview in the Type Section Editor is provided in the "Intersection Free Point".
- A circle indicator was added to the start and end points of imaginary cut lines in the segments to emphasize the points during the free-point-intersection definition.
- The codes generated from the edited cross section using the Edit Cross Sections process can be exported to Netcad so that it can be found in the list of codes in the plotter.
Compatible with Netcad version
- Multi-selection of definitions is supported in Type Section Editor \ Platform Definitions Editor.
- It is possible to take into account the deviation value in the PLA while reading the PLA Definitions in the type section editor.
- In the cross-section drawing, you can make two lines with the command // to write the headings or two word headings under each other.
- The option "Print CODE Explanations" to the settings is added under the Other tab of the cross-section plotter.
- Standard Drainage + Ditch Coverage metric calculation slope reports were viewed as a date format. To prevent this, a single quotation mark (such as' 3/1) is added to the beginning.
- Automatically generated km intervals of the process Standard Drainage + Ditch Coverage are rounded up to whole numbers in km.
- Top-Toe Ditch operation must be maintained in the editor. When it is said okay, no quantifying should be calculated. The quantifying process is imported into the "Quantify" menu and the reports are generated from here.
- Standard Drainage + Ditch Coverage => descriptive information has been added below the window with the Automatic Preparation process.
- At the top of the preview section in the cross-section drawer, the settings in the visual tracker have been added (options for guide lines, levels, show codes ...).
- In order to save the cross-sectional drawing parameters, it is possible to display the previous recordings using a Combobox instead of the record line.
- Any action can be taken on the Netcad graphical display while the Platform Definitions Editor is open.
- It is now possible to enter a subset of long headings texts in the profile drawing.
- Section Editor / Advanced Section Processing / Deletion of previous/next points in the Cropping process has been enabled.
- The coordinate information of the desired codes has been added to the cross section drawing as an option.
- Edit Cross Section option has been added to the Visual Cross Section Editor and Cross Section Drawing screens.
- Help contents have been edited.
Compatible with Netcad R9.2 and 3D+ version
Compatible with Netcad R9.2 and 3D+ version
Compatible with Netcad R9 and 3D+ version
Compatible with Netcad R9 and 3D+ version
- Cross-section plotter / Files => "Print Codes" title has been added to the bottom of the other sections so that relevant codes can also be printed on the screen.
- All objects acquired with Type Section Editor / Get Object From Screen are provided as right-click definitions and it is ensured that objects can be provided in right / left definition according to the axis.
Compatible with properties of Netcad GIS version
- The license date for Netpro 7 is May 2010.
- Since users before May 2010 do not have Netpro 6 => Netpro 7 update rights, the version appears "" in the installation at Netcad => Help => About Program => Modules section. After May 2010 all features are active and the version information appears as "" in the locks.
- All controls on the profile drawing can be made user-defined.
- Special occasions such as tunnels, bridges, viaducts and 'slots not used in fillings' can be included in the profile drawings.
- The obligation that the data must be placed on the bottom and top lines of the drawn profile has been removed. In this way, it is possible to write intermediate distance or surface level value of any code of any cross-sectional file in the profile lines.
- It is now more practical to print the height difference between two sections in the profile lines with the "Seperate Incision" function added to the cross section operations.
- The density of the information printed on the profile lines is now completely up to the user. With 'Netpro 7', the user can print data in the desired range. If desired, the ranges of data to be printed can also be given as a mileage list.
- Giving names to layers generated in the profile drawing process has been improved. In this process, the layers can be managed more effectively in the projecting process.
- Vertical lines can be drawn in the range determined by the user in profile drawing.
- User-defined 'Reference Elevation' allows the profile drawing to be done according to the desired comparison surface level.
- Cross-Section Creation, Editing and Cross-Section Drawing processes have been developed, and many innovations have been added to improve the value of your projects.
- When cross-sectioning from a model, it is ensured that the oblique angle in the used kilometer list is taken into account in platform creation and plan drawing stages.
- Oblique structures can be viewed and edited in the Cross Section Editor.
- The Extract Cross Section process has been added to the Cross Section Editor to extract cross-sections from each other. This process makes it possible to calculate the elevation difference at each cross-section between the platform and the terrain.
- In Netpro 7, cross-section drawings are generated section by section. Operations that require user interaction, such as printing a cross section in eacg page, can now be performed with a single command. With a single printer setting command, it is now possible to print thousands of sections individually.
- It is possible to load and save the Get Cross-Section from Model parameters. Users can share and easily use the cross-section settings on other projects.
- The use of 'Engineering Structure' information in cross-section tables is exclusive among the innovations coming with 'Netpro 7'. It is possible to view all information such as type, size, angle, width, flow grade, length, slope belonging to engineering structures in the cross-section tables.
- With Netpro 7, users do not have to use the triangular model generated from the 'Get Cross-section from Model' process. Cross-sections can be created using references that produce height values (NCD for example). In this case, data such as SRTM can be used for generating cross sections.
- In the Topographic Plan from Cross-Sections process, alternatives such as not taking the land model into account, extracting these values from the selected section and plotting can be made.
- Read Cross Section from Drawing* operation has been added.
- It is possible for the users to dynamically view the profiles and cross-sections while the horizontal route "tangent intersection points" are placed. With this feature, users can have detailed information about vertical routes and cross sections, and control overlaps while creating more horizontal routes in their projects. Any reference that produces a triangular pattern or height value is sufficient to use this feature.
- In the Synchronized View operation; plan, profile, cross-section and 3D (Netcad 3D license required) screens are displayed together and synchronized.
- Plan, profile, and 3D displays are dynamically refreshed according to the active kilometers when active kilometers is changed in any editor.
- When there is a alteration in the horizontal or vertical route, the sections are automatically refreshed and the drawings on the plan with scarp and elevation, profile, cross-section and 3D screens are rearranged according to the change.
- In addition to optimizing the difference in the surface level of the axis, the automatic red-surface level function based on three-dimensional account is realized by calculating cubage set of each section.Exclusive and improved Platform Definitions
- Any point (Free Point) of any layer in the type cross-section can be used as a plus reference, the upper and layers can be formed at any point with horizontal and vertical deviation detected at new points.
- Mixed definitions that were not possible with the intersection of the top layers or the two segments formed at the points of the layer that are formed is now possible and very easy.
- If the main section is not extended with a change made in the extend to section end rule, it is possible to reach multpile codes perpendicularly. In this case, the elongation code can be defined more than once according to the splitting and filling.
- 'Netpro 7' programming capabilities can be used in the Type Section Editor. Cross sections that can not be created with standard platform diagnoses can be created easily with 'Netpro 7' COM objects.
- Many operations can easily be done on "Netcad Command Line" which is designed as a tool that allows users to automate multiple processes.
- Processes that are repeated throughout the project through batch files containing commands are now automatically executed with a single command and projects are created much faster and user-generated errors are minimized.
- With 'Netpro 7', 'Improvements in Cubage and Bruckner Transactions' enables users to make decisions on their transportation calculations. Improved visual functions are included in the Cubage and Bruckner processes.
- Storage and loan capacities have been taken into consideration in transport calculations. In this sense, storages and loans are included in the transportation calculations in a true sense. Information on how many of the capacities are used and whether they are exceeded or not are provided in the information for the user.
- Users entirely control where the excavations must be moved and where the fillings will be brought. Calculations made automatically based on distance and capacity can be changed completely if requested by the user. Users can carry excavations or filling as many times as they want, or they can supply it from different sources in totally automatic construction.
- All movements can be dynamically displayed on the bruckner drawing.
- The transport data can be displayed on a single screen.
- Unwanted excavation areas can be defined. If desired, the excavations occurring in the interval applied in the special range editor are calculated as storages but are not allowed to be used in the fillings. Similarly, excavation definitions (selected materials) to be used in another filling ranges can be made. In this way, the transportation restrictions stated in the research report can be transferred to the bruckner and to the paid transportation tables correctly.
- The user can access the Netcad screen while the bruckner and cube editor windows are open, and it is possible to view other data while working with Bruckner.
- The mouse position on the Bruckner screen can also be dynamically monitored on the profile on the Netcad screen. This structure provides great convenience for users in reverse transport controls.
- Custom ranges can now be displayed on the Bruckner screen. Users can always view the splitting gaps, bridges, tunnels and viaducts that will not be used in the fillings. Routes intersecting with special intervals can also be reported in the Bruckner controls.
- The option "multiple line" is added while creating a 3-dimensional line. With this feature, the user can get each segment as a separate line on a desired length, or as a single multi-line.
- In the Point of Intersection Tables, point of intersection names can be prefixed.
- Beginning and ending kilometers can be selected in the Triangulate Road Model and Create Road Model operations. Projects with long routes can get faster results only by giving varying kilometer intervals.
- Kilometers are displayed on the kilometer lists and users can be access to desired section at any time. The active mileage is also dynamically active in other editors that are open on the screen. This helps the users to manage all editors simultaneously and synchronously.
- The exclusive 'Copy' feature added to the Code Catalog allows users to create a new code with the same features as the selected code.
Compatible with Netcad 5.2 GIS version
- The command of "Generate Cross Section" is added in the "Type Section Editor".
- Synchronized view has been added.
- Changes were made in the horizontal route editor.
- After the "Create 3D Lines" operation, determining limits process may be performed.
Compatible with Netcad 5.2 GIS version
- The copy process has been added for the codes in the Code Catalog.
- In slope inclinations, non-integer slope values such as 3 / 0.75 - 2 / 0.5 are required to be displayed as integers. An option was added to the cross-section plotter for this feature.