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Add Platform to Road

It allows the platform to be added to the road axis. 

The surface of the land to be added to the road must be selected first. 

After selecting the terrain surface, the platform window will be opened automatically. 

The Create Platform window is where the platform definitions are made and the cross-section is specified. 

 Platform Definition

In the platform description section, platform definitions for the road are made with the help of the platform editor window opened by clicking 3 point button. 


If the user lock contains a Netpro license, click on the 3-point button next to the Platform, Split, Fill sections to open the Platform Definitions Editor, which can be used with Netpro. You can find detailed information on the Editor of the Slope (Platform) Definitions. 

After this process, Platform, Excavation Fill Limit, Surface and Sections layers will be automatically created under the Road. 

The user can transfer the drawings from the 3D screen to the 2D screen coarsely and coaxially with the help of the right button with Netcad Sync on these layers. 

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