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Stratigraphic Modeling | Interval Separation

The waste volume remaining within the lithology/intervals selected as ore within the modeling definitions is calculated.

In order to make this calculation, the "Ore" option must be selected in the "Model Definitions" and the "Minimum Waste Thickness" information and "Min. Ore/Waste Separation" information in the "Model Definitions / Advanced Settings" must be filled. The waste that remains below the Minimum Waste Thickness value and falls between the two ore lithologies to be modeled is included in the ore. The amount of waste included in the ore below a certain limit cannot be distinguished from ore. However, those above a certain limit value can be calculated in volumetric terms. In this, Min. Ore/Waste Separation criterion is used. As a result, the amount remaining between the value below the minimum waste thickness included in the ore and the minimum ore/waste separation value represents the waste volume in volumetric terms. This feature is used in mining operations to calculate the amount to be distinguished as waste from ore volume.

Template NameIt is the area defined with the Template Definitions feature, where stratigraphic modeling rules are kept and template selection is made.
DensityThis is the field where the density information of the waste is entered.
Show Voronoi AreasIn order to calculate the volume of the waste remaining in the intervals determined in the boreholes data, the volume is calculated by multiplying the lithology thickness of the waste and its impact area (Voronoi). It is the option that allows the Voronoi fields used in the calculation to be displayed on the graphic screen.
Total Waste VolumeIt is the total volume of the waste remaining between ore-bearing lithologies in the borehole data.
Total Waste TonnageIt is the amount of tonnage obtained by multiplying the total waste volume and the waste density.
Select the LimitThe area to be calculated can be selected from the graphic screen. With this feature, the waste remaining between ore-bearing lithologies/intervals within the selected area is calculated.
Apply This is the button used to see the results after parameter selections.
Report It is a feature that allows the results to be reported in Excel after the calculation.

More than one lithology or interval can be defined as ore in Model Definitions. With this feature, the total waste volume and tonnage between the lithologies defined as ore can be automatically calculated. 

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