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Add Platform to Surface

Add Platform to Surface operation is used to add the platform that will be created according to parameters defined along the route belonging to the road. 


Platform Definition: Platform description to be added to the surface is carried out on this section. Platform description can be done on the window opened by three dot button at the end of the line.

Cross Section Range: Minimum distance between cross sections.

Auxiliary Lines Layer Name: Layer, on which the platform added to the surface, section and excavation-filling border lines will be saved is determined. If no specification is made; these lines will not be created.

Output Layer: Layer name, upon which the created platform surface will be saved under Surfaces tab is determined or chosen.

 If you possess a NETPRO license; and if you cannot see Typical Section Editor/Platform with three dots button at the end of Platform Definition line; Platform Editor window will be opened. 

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