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Solid Model


Solid Model operation is used to create a solid model between cross sections. 

For Solid Model operation to be carried out, there has to be two previously created cross sections within the project. Cross Section and Automatic Cross Section operations can be used to create a cross section: 

Model Sampling DetailIt allows for more often sampling of points that create cross section lines. With the increase in the amount of details, performance will be decreased but model accuracy will be improved.
Create Intersection

It is activated if you want to create intersections between sections creating the solid model. 

Number of Intersections: It is the number of intersections to be created between sections.

Normalize Cross Sections

Min. Point Distance: Minimum distance of every line segment on section line. For example, if min. point distance is given to be 5; all points between A point and B point with this distance are deleted. 

Min. Angle: It is what degree every sequential line segment will be on the section line. For example; if there are 360 points for 360 degrees in a circle; if it is given 30 degree minimum angle will be 360:30 = 12 points and circle is turned into a dodecagon.

Finish by Extending PointIf this is activated; Create Solid Model from Section to Point window is opened during operation. Solid model is muffled with extension up to point according to the definitions given in this window.

Two different methods may be used to create intersurface solid model. These are, Shell Model and Tetrahedron Model methods.

  • Shell Model: Shell Model is mostly preferred to create a realistic solid model between non-parallel surfaces.
  • Tetrahedron Model: It is mostly preferred to create a solid model between parallel surfaces.

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