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Add Pit (Automatic)

It allows the quarry to be automatically added to the project. 

When clicked, parameters are entered in Add Quarry (Automatic) window that is opened automatically. 

NameDetermines the name of the quarry to be created (if the project has another quarry definition of the same name, the name you entered will change).
Number of StepsRepresents the number of steps to be generated.
Automatically Calculate Starting Limit Elevation If Yes is selected, for example, the lower limit of the selected base line for the upright step definition is the starting limit.
Starting Limit ElevationIf "Automatically Calculate Starting Limit Elevation" is passive, the value to be entered in this section will be used as the starting limit.
Simplification / Min Distance A value greater than 0 must be entered if simplification is desired. It is the closest distance value between sequential points. The points closer than this value will be merged.
Simplification / Min AngleA value greater than 0 must be entered if simplification is desired. When the angle between two segments is less than this value, the segments are merged.
Corner Drawing MethodIt is a parameter that enables the corners of the quadrants to be rounded or flat.

After the parameter entries on the Add Quarry (Automatic) window, the previously created Quarry Base Line is selected from the 3D screen respectively, if it is selected, the Quarry Base Surface is selected, otherwise the right step is used to select the Top Surface by going to the next process step. 

The Properties window opens in which you can define the default step definitions for the quarry to be created automatically after the selections. The process is completed by making the relevant parameter entries. 

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